Caring for Caregivers

n partnership with FaithLife Church (formerly known as St. Mark’s Lutheran Church) Wellington Heights Community Church is thrilled to offer another round of freezer meals as a way to extend care to caregivers in our community!

In September our pastoral team shared that the U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, M.D. released an advisory on the mental health and well-being of parents. The advisory highlights stressors that impact parents and caregivers, links between parental mental health and children's long-term well-being and the need to better support parents, caregivers and families. Read the report here.

Parenting is sacred work.  And caregivers, need care too!

Sign-up to receive a freezer meal dropped off to your home in October by emailing Ashley at

May we continue to support one another in prayer and practical support in the sacred work of caregiving!


Coder Dojo at WHCC


Presence & Proximity