Stephanie Carter Stephanie Carter

Children’s Christmas Play

This year Mike will be helping out with a children's play! If your child is interested in being a part of the play feel free to contact to get more information on it.

Practice Dates December 1st & 15th from 9-10 AM

The Christmas Children’s Play will be shared at the end of Sunday Service on December 22nd.  Please invite your loved ones to enjoy this play!

We look forward to seeing many of your children participate and make this play a fun and meaningful experience. If you have any questions or need more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

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Stephanie Carter Stephanie Carter

Advent 2024

The Advent season provides us with the opportunity incorporate spiritual practices to prepare us for God-with-us.

You are invited to pick-up these free resources at the church building during Sunday Service or stop by the church to pick-up a copy on weekdays (Monday-Thursday) between the hours of 10-2 during the church office hours.

Practicing Peace with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength and Mind

daily reflections and prompts centered on the theme of peace.

Each week the devotional provides a unique aspect of peace, inviting you to reflect and engage deeply with its meaning:

Week 1: Deepen your understanding of peace.

Week 2: Discover ways to make peace within yourself.

Week 3: Embrace your role as an instrument of God’s peace.

Week 4: Practice peace as a “holy yes” to God’s call.

Coloring & Conversation: Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love 

This resource lines up beautifully with the four Sundays in Advent, each theme can also be used on its own anytime. Through these prompts and discussion questions, you can reimagine any of these themes. When has hope helped you bear a hardship? Who has modeled peace in your life? How has faith in God helped you experience joy? When has love surprised you?

The conversation starters for each theme include a Look, Listen, and Learn section. Look and identify what they see in the illustration. Listen to suggested songs, as you color, that help you connect with each theme. Learn what others have said about each theme and what the Bible teaches you.

We hope that while your hands are busy, your mind can settle to wonder, explore, and embrace these four themes of hope, peace, joy, and love.

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Stephanie Carter Stephanie Carter

Giving Tuesday 2024

It is easy to move through our days at a rapid pace on autopilot. Both because of the demands of life and the cultural norms we are living within. Moving fast has its upsides: we are productive and efficient. But it also has its downsides: it can make us become numb, lack patience and sometimes forget to notice the goodness and beauty among us.

We are not neuroscientists at WHCC, but our Children’s Ministry lesson in mid-November shared how gratitude can literally rewire our brain and change our outlook. Gratitude has helps us savor what is good and beautiful and uplifting in our everyday life. During Children’s Ministry and at the Community Meal we made gratitude chains to name what we are grateful for.

On this day, we want you know that we are thankful for you. Yes, you. For your ideas and feedback. For your financial and time contributions, which make all this possible. Thank you for the gift of your stories and conversation, which give shape to our work. Thank you for who you are and the visible and invisible ways you show up, work and lead in the community.

From the WHCC Staff Team, we’re grateful for you

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Stephanie Carter Stephanie Carter

Coder Dojo at WHCC

CoderDojo at Wellington Heights Community Church

October 9 from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Kids can explore different STEM activities like coding, engineering, and more, all while having fun and being creative. It’s the perfect place for young innovators to learn and play.

Register here: CoderDojo [Wellington Heights] | NewBoCo

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